Philadelphia Single-Cup | Office Coffee Brewer | Workplace Culture

5 Reasons Why Coffee is a Philadelphia Break Room Must-Have

There’s nothing better than starting your day with a delicious cup of coffee. The rich flavors and aromas are the perfect morning pick-me-up. That is why employees love having a Philadelphia office coffee service in their break room! It’s just one of the reasons coffee is a break room necessity. Here are five more.

Amazing Health Benefits

Employees that drink coffee and tea can enjoy many health benefits. For example, new research presented at the American College of Cardiology suggests coffee promotes heart health. Furthermore, it improves your mood. Not to mention, it tastes great!

You can enhance the flavor further with a Philadelphia water service. Filtered water guarantees your coffee will always taste fresh. These healthy break room solutions will make your team feel fantastic. It’s never been easier to toast to your health!

Boosts Performance

The caffeine in coffee sharpens your focus. It will also promote productivity. As a result, your team will be more efficient. Furthermore, sipping coffee may improve your memory and attention. If your staff is feeling groggy, coffee can help!

Keep a state-of-the-art brewer in your break room. Additionally, offer a variety of different flavors. This way, your team can always enjoy their favorite cup. A quality Philadelphia coffee brewer also makes lattes and cappuccinos. Best of all, non-coffee drinkers will benefit too! They can make hot chocolate or tea.

Office Culture | Philadelphia Coffee | Productivity

Builds Connection

Did you know that coffee can enhance your Philadelphia workplace culture? It sure can! Employees can connect with their coworkers during their coffee break. When they fill up their cup, they can also chat. This builds stronger connections in the office.

Do you want to improve your office culture? RDS Vending can help! Our experts can help you find the perfect coffee products for your needs. Whether you need a brewer, coffee creamers, or even a coffee vending machine, we’ve got you covered.

Office Coffee Shows You Care

Employees want to feel appreciated. Coffee and tea are affordable Philadelphia employee perks that show you care. Your crew will love having fresh coffee in the break room. They’ll also feel valued. As a result, employee satisfaction will soar! This can also boost employee retention. What a great reason to have coffee in the break room!

The Perfect Holiday Treat

Are you looking for ways to celebrate the holidays in your office? Offer festive seasonal coffee flavors! For instance, pumpkin spice is great for the fall. Comparatively, peppermint and cinnamon are yummy winter treats. You can also have a rotating menu. This way, your staff can enjoy different flavors all year long!

Increase Employee Satisfaction with an Amazing Office Coffee Service

If you want to boost productivity and morale in your Philadelphia office, offer coffee! RDS Vending will help you find the right solutions for your staff.

To learn more, call us today at 610.731.0100. Coffee is a break room must-have!

Refreshment Services Philadelphia | Employee Perks | Coffee & Tea Service

Unlock the Perks of a Philadelphia Office Coffee & Tea Service

Refreshment Services Philadelphia | Employee Perks | Coffee & Tea Service

It’s no secret that most employees start their day with a fresh cup of coffee or tea. Therefore, supplying quality product selections in your Philadelphia break room is essential. With a premium coffee and tea service, you can boost office morale and employee wellness at the same time. How? For starters, you can encourage your team to take breaks by hosting a daily or weekly “coffee & tea time.” What does that mean? It’s a dedicated time in which employees can connect and enjoy a delicious cup of their favorite drink.

There are several benefits to having a Philadelphia office coffee service. Not yet convinced? Below, we’re sharing ways coffee and tea breaks can promote team-building and improve overall performance!

Coffee & Tea Can Help Build A Strong Workplace Culture

Perhaps the number one benefit of hosting an office tea time is enhancing your company culture. Having dedicated time for your team to connect can increase collaboration and creative ideas.

With a quality Philadelphia break room service, you’ll instantly boost office morale and employee satisfaction. No, we’re not kidding! When employees have time to relax and enjoy each other’s company, strong relationships will naturally form. As a result, they’ll feel more comfortable working together. It’s a simple yet effective way to enhance team-building throughout the office!

Both Provide Several Health Benefits

Tea Service Philadelphia | Coffee Products | Gourmet Coffees & Teas

When employees are healthy, they’re happier and more productive! Some health benefits of these brews include increased metabolism, feeling more alert, and strengthening the immune system. With these benefits in mind, why wouldn’t you have an office coffee and tea service? It’s a win-win! So, consider upgrading your Philadelphia single-cup coffee service to include tea!

Drinking Coffee & Tea Reduces Stress

Encouraging your employees to take frequent breaks is good for many reasons. For instance, it can reduce burnout by giving them time to step away and clear their head. In addition, it will help employees stay productive during the day. Plus, they’ll have time to sit back and chat with their colleagues. Having those few moments of calm will help workers regroup and refocus to perform at their very best!

Excite & Energize Your Team With Quality Refreshment Services!

Giving employees a pick-me-up during the busy workday is a major perk! And what better way to do that than with free coffee and tea? So, elevate your workplace culture with a superior Philadelphia coffee service!

Looking for more tips on how to upgrade your Philadelphia break room experience? If so, you’ve come to the right place! To get started, contact us at RDS Vending or call 610.731.0100 today!