Philadelphia Break Room Services | Hangry | Micro-Markets

Break Solutions Keep Philadelphia Employees Happy, Not Hangry

Hangry employees rarely perform at their best. Some might choose to work through lunch. But while this seems productive, it’s hardly the case. Food is your body’s fuel. Without it, you’ll run out of gas. As a result, your blood sugar can drop. You’ll also feel groggy. Thus, your productivity can decrease.

Hangry employees feel both angry and hungry. This can lead to problems with coworkers and even lower morale. Therefore, it’s important to offer better Philadelphia break room services for when staff are in a time crunch. That can include a tasty mix of food and beverage options as well as a place to enjoy them. Keep reading to learn more about how to beat hangry in your office.

Overcome Hangry with Endless Options

Employees can get bored with the same old snacks. Therefore, offer more options. RDS Vending can help. We’ll fill your Philadelphia vending machine with different products. For example, we carry lots of healthy items. Choose nuts, granola bars, baked chips, or jerky. This helps you beat mid-day slumps!

Additionally, vending machines are open 24/7. Employees can always buy their favorite foods. This keeps them full between meals. Our machines accept cash and credit cards. Thus, it’s easy to make purchases.

Consider a Micro-Market

Philadelphia Company Culture | Hangry | Office Coffee

Want even more variety? Try Philadelphia micro-market services. These are tiny, unmanned stores where employees can shop 24/7. Simply pay at the self-checkout kiosk. Employees can also skip long lunch-rush lines. Therefore, they’ll have more time to relax and eat. This encourages them to take lunch breaks.

Micro-markets offer endless options. For instance, buy fresh food, snacks, protein, or dairy products. There’s something for everyone! Get a sandwich and soup. Or, stock up on healthy snacks. You can also buy beverages. This promotes hydration.

Is It Hangry or Dehydration?

Sometimes, hangry isn’t the culprit of irritable employees. It could be dehydration. This lowers amino acid levels in your brain. Thus, you can feel grumpy. Dehydration also causes dizziness and tiredness. As a result, employees won’t be able to perform at their best.

Help your team stay hydrated. Add a Philadelphia office coffee service to your break room. This quickly perks workers up! Try a bean-to-cup brewer. Users can make coffee, lattes, or cappuccinos. Yum!

Another good option is a Philadelphia water filtration service. Remove yucky chemical tastes. Water always tastes fresh. Refill your water bottle and keep it on your desk. This reminds you to drink more water.

The filtration systems we place in your break room have hot and cold spigots. Therefore, you can add fresh water to hot beverages too. This makes coffee and tea taste great!

RDS Vending Helps Employees Defeat Hangry

Our break room solutions keep employees feeling full. They’ll have tons of on-site options. Plus, they can buy healthy food 24/7. This helps them beat hangry. RDS Vending will also keep them hydrated. We make water taste better!

Contact RDS Vending today by calling 610.731.0100 to learn more. We’ll help you find the right products for your needs. We’re excited to hear from you soon!

Philadelphia Free Vend | Vending Machines | Micro-Market Snacks

Gift Philadelphia Employees Free Snacks

Now that we’re halfway through the year, give employees a boost with a Christmas in July celebration that includes free snacks. This can be mutually beneficial. Your staff will feel appreciated, thus being more productive. It also boosts morale and retention. That makes Christmas in July gifts, like free snacks, a great idea.

Want to treat your team? Here are three Philadelphia break room services to consider using.

Free Vend Brings Smiles into the Break Room

Free vend snack services will delight your crew. Employees can enjoy complimentary snacks on their terms. They simply press a button on your Philadelphia vending machine. Then voila! They get free food or beverages. You cover the costs. Free vending is excellent for special occasions. For instance, offer free snacks for meeting goals. Or treat employees on work anniversaries. This shows you care.

You can offer this service for a day or a week. RDS Vending makes free vending services simple. We’ll track the inventory. Plus, we’ll send you an invoice.

Subsidize Your Micro-Market to Offer Free Snacks

A subsidized Philadelphia micro-market is the ultimate employee perk. Why? Employees enjoy a wide range of free food. In a subsidized micro-market, you can cover some of the cost. Or, pay for everything! Just add money to their micro-market accounts. Then, employees can pick any product they want.

Philadelphia Refreshment Services | Break Room Food | Free Coffee Service Snacks

Micro-markets have endless options. You can get fresh meals and healthy snacks. These mini-stores also have beverages. Grab a salad and an energy drink. Or, get fruit and veggies. This supports a healthy lifestyle where employees feel their best and are most productive.

Office Coffee Bonus

What’s better than fresh coffee? If you ask us, it’s free coffee! Do you use our Philadelphia office coffee service? Consider ordering bulk items along with the coffee. For example, get chips or granola bars. Or order bottled water. Employees will appreciate these free goodies. Additionally, they’ll feel valued.

RDS Vending will deliver these bulk items along with your coffee order. This makes it more convenient for you!

Top Benefits of Free Snacks

Why should you offer free snacks? Here are the four biggest benefits:

  • Free snacks increase productivity: Employees will go the extra mile knowing you care.
  • Reduced employee turnover: Want to improve retention? Offer free food! This increases staff satisfaction. Thus, more employees will stay.
  • Workplace wellness: Busy employees may not be making healthy choices. Make it easier for them! Treat them to free food in your micro-market. They can get wraps, yogurt, or veggies.
  • Higher engagement: Free food promotes collaboration. Offer complimentary snacks at corporate meetings. Employees will be eager to join in!

Your Staff Deserves Free Snacks

Christmas in July is a great time to gift Philadelphia employees with free snacks. This makes them feel extra special. Thus, they’ll be happier. Employees will also work harder!

We make free snack services easy. Contact RDS Vending today to learn about our free vending solutions. We also offer subsidized micro-markets.

Call us at 610.731.0100 now. We’ll help make your staff feel appreciated.