Philadelphia Bean-to-Cup | Single-Cup Individuality | Water Filtration

Let Employees Express Themselves: Individuality in Philadelphia Break Rooms

Today’s employees want individuality. You might see your staff as a group. But every worker is unique, from their clothes to their desk decor. Plus, no two employees make their coffee the same way. As such, cookie-cutter break room services are out. Individuality is in!

Want to help employees stand out? As an HR manager, this can be tough. RDS Vending can help. Our Philadelphia break room services let employees express themselves!

Keep reading to learn more.

Personalized Office Coffee Service

Every employee takes their coffee differently. Thus, personalized coffee products are must-haves. Add a Philadelphia single-cup coffee brewer to your break room. It makes coffee by the pod. Therefore, employees have more options. They can pick their favorite flavor and each cup is fresh.

Or, try a bean-to-cup coffee brewer. Users can make specialty drinks from the touchscreen just by ordering coffees, lattes, or cappuccinos. Plus, there are milk and flavor options. Make drinks your way!

Need help finding the right brewer? Contact RDS Vending today. We’re happy to help. We’ll learn about your needs. Our experts will then find the perfect brewer for your office.

Customized Water Filtration for Employee Individuality

Did you know you can customize water? That’s right! Try a Philadelphia water filtration system. It removes bad taste. Employees can enjoy more than delicious water. You can also get hot and cold water. Add filtered water to your hot coffee. Or, sip crisp ice water. The ice is chewable. This helps you avoid toothaches. It also promotes hydration. Employees will always feel their best.

Upgrade the water experience further with a smart water cooler. Then staff can add flavor to their drinks. Love bubbles? Get a carbonation add-on. Or, add caffeine. This boosts energy. Thus, employees won’t feel sleepy.

Philadelphia Office Coffee | Coffee Products | Hot Tea Individuality

Create a Coffee or Tea Bar

Lastly, set up a coffee or tea bar. Offer creamers and sweeteners. This lets employees customize their drinks. RDS Vending has many quality coffee products. For instance, we have trendy new creamers. Or, ask us about our healthy sweeteners. We have honey and flavored syrups.

Additionally, we can offer powdered enhancers. You can add protein to your drink. Or, add Vitamin C. This helps your body fight germs.

We Create Spaces for Individuality

Employees love expressing themselves. This is also true in Philadelphia break rooms. Let your staff express their individuality. RDS Vending is here to help! We offer quality coffee brewers and water filtration solutions.

Contact us today by calling 610.731.0100 to learn more.

Eco-Friendly Break Rooms | Green Philadelphia Products | Sustainability in Break Room Services

Promote Sustainability with Philadelphia Break Room Solutions

Recently, there has been a push for sustainability in Philadelphia workplaces. As more people aim to reduce their carbon footprint, they want companies to do the same. Not only can an eco-friendly office protect the planet, but it can also attract top talent. Plus, greener business practices can save you money and boost staff satisfaction.

So, how can you promote sustainability in your office? Start by choosing greener Philadelphia break room solutions and environmentally-friendly products! We offer options from eco-conscious brands. For example, we can provide green Philadelphia coffee products, including cups, lids, and sleeves.

Here’s how our eco-friendly services can make your business more sustainable.

Think Reusable

Eco-friendly water bottles and cups are a great way to be sustainable. That’s why we offer Philadelphia filtered water service. It allows you to refill cups and water bottles with fresh, clean-tasting water time after time.

Best of all, filtered water makes every drink taste better. Add it to coffee or tea to enhance the flavor. Or, enjoy the water by itself. Tasty water promotes hydration. Therefore, your team can feel their best. A hydrated staff is more productive. This can boost work efficiency. It’s a winning scenario all around!

Lastly, going green doesn’t mean you’ll waste space. In fact, we offer both floor-standing and countertop models. Find the perfect filtered water cooler for your space!

Energy Efficient Vending Tech

Philadelphia Vending Machines Sustainability | Office Coffee | Water Filtration

Another way to go green is with eco-friendly Philadelphia vending machines. There are vending machines that use LED lights. Thus, less electricity which also drops your utility bill. As a result, you can save money while protecting the planet!

But our sustainable solutions don’t stop there! Our Philadelphia vending technology can reduce service trips. That’s because we can keep a close eye on your inventory levels. Therefore, you’ll have products when and where you need them. Moreover, we’ll use less gas. Unnecessary trips are now a thing of the past!

Promote Sustainability with Eco-Friendly Break Room Solutions

Do you want a greener break room? Our sustainable break room solutions can help. We can make your office eco-friendly. Moreover, these products can increase worker satisfaction and retention rates.

Curious to learn more? Contact RDS Vending today at 610.731.0100. We’ll help you find the perfect products for your sustainable break room.

Philadelphia Break Room | Coffee Service | Employee Benefit

4 Ways to Upgrade Your Philadelphia Coffee Service

Kiss your old break room goodbye! An exciting Philadelphia office coffee service will transform your break room into a quality café. As a result, your team can get away from their desks without having to leave the office.

But how can you change your break room into a coffee bar? By offering tons of yummy options!

Don’t know where to start? Here are four simple ways to personalize your break room with Philadelphia coffee products.

Offer Non-Dairy Creamers

Plant-based coffee products are gaining popularity. That’s because they’re nutritious and delicious! For example, these creamers are low in fat. Additionally, they also have fewer calories than traditional dairy creamers. Best of all, there are tons of options to choose from! Almond creamer adds a decadent flavor to any cup of coffee. So do soy and oat milk creamers.

Your Philadelphia employees will love these healthy options. This puts your break room a step above the rest!

Highlight the Coffee Service

Upgrade your hum-drum break room by setting up a coffee bar. This creates a relaxing spot for your staff to recharge. They can take a break and grab their favorite hot beverage.

A Philadelphia single-cup coffee machine will elevate the break room experience. Employees can make espresso, lattes, or cappuccinos. You can also use a bean-to-cup brewer to replicate the tempting sights and smells of freshly ground coffee beans.

Offer Tea for Non-Coffee Drinkers

Bean-to-Cup Service | Philadelphia Office Coffee | Single-Cup Brew

Not everyone on your team loves coffee. Tempt non-coffee drinkers with delicious tea options. For instance, herbal and green teas make great selections. Drinking tea can also keep you healthy. Some teas can help boost your immune system. This helps employees fight off colds and flus.

Furthermore, offering tea in the break room promotes employee engagement. Everyone can enjoy their favorite beverages, not just coffee lovers.

Don’t Forget the Snacks!

Snacks are a break room must-have. Try Philadelphia office pantry service to fill your space with tempting treats. Snacks will enhance the employee perk of office coffee. It’s a great way to show you care!

Some scrumptious snack ideas are nuts and fruit platters. You can also provide your staff with prepackaged sweets. This will boost employee satisfaction and retention. Snacks will also keep your staff sharp. By curbing hunger, their productivity levels will skyrocket!

Bring the Café Experience in with Coffee Service

A fantastic office coffee service will elevate your Philadelphia break room. Be sure to offer non-dairy creamers, snacks, and tea.

Want to include these products? RDS Vending is here to help! We have everything you need to personalize your break room. Our specialists will also help you find the best solutions for your staff.

To learn more, contact RDS Vending or call us today at 610.731.0100. Your employees will be enjoying café-quality coffee in no time!

Food Vending | Philadelphia Micro-Market | Fresh Food and Employee Wellness

5 Break Room Must-Haves to Enhance Philadelphia Employee Wellness

Employee wellness is a key ingredient of success in every Philadelphia office. In fact, healthy employees are happier and more productive. That’s a win-win for both companies and associates!

Your Philadelphia break room presents an amazing opportunity for a corporate wellness program. Enhance worksite wellness with these five break room must-haves.

Hydration Stations with Variety

Make hydration easy in the office! By offering lots of water options, your crew can stay hydrated. For instance, stock your Philadelphia micro-market with different flavors of sparkling water. You can also offer seltzer water. Another great option is a water filtration system. Fresh water always tastes better!

Encourage your team to track their water intake with a fun game. By offering exciting incentives, everyone will stay hydrated!

Fresh Fruit Always Pleases

Keep your micro-market fully stocked with juicy fruits. Eating fruit has tons of healthy perks. For example, fruit promotes heart health. Furthermore, fruit is great for the skin! Keep fruit parfaits or smoothies in your break room fridge. These refreshing treats are sure to please. Fruit salad is also a delicious choice for lunch!

Nutrient-Dense Foods to Keep Employees Satisfied

Philadelphia Healthy Vending | Employee Wellness | Break Room Services

Foods that are packed with nutrients will keep your team on track. Make nutrient-dense meals part of your Philadelphia break room services. Some delicious options include wraps and salads. You can easily sell these products in your micro-market. You can also offer protein and nutrient packed items in a food vending machine. This makes it easy for your staff to grab a healthy snack.

Having trouble finding the perfect products for your employee wellness program? RDS Vending is dedicated to helping employees feel their best! Our friendly experts can help you find, and stock, exactly what you need. From fresh foods to coffee products, we’ve got you covered!

Coffee and Tea Pick-Me-Up

Did you know that a Philadelphia coffee and tea service boosts workplace wellness? That’s correct! Drinking these beverages can help keep your staff in tip-top shape. For instance, many coffee and teas have antioxidants properties. These nutrients can assist in overall health! Moreover, coffee provides the energy that contributes to a positive working environment, boosting mood and wellness.

Be sure to offer low- or no-calorie sweeteners in your break room. Employees can satisfy their sweet tooth and not feel guilty!

Comfortable Employee Seating Supports Wellness

Lastly, you should always have comfy seats in your break room. This gives your team the chance to unwind and relax. Cushy chairs and a large sofa are break room seating essentials. Employees can sit down and recharge.

Enhance Employee Wellness in Your Break Room

A healthier workplace starts in the break room. RDS Vending can help you enhance employee wellness. We’ll provide you with superior solutions to ensure your team always feels fantastic.

To learn more, call us today at 610.731.0100. Here’s to your health!

Coffee in Philadelphia | Break Room Solutions | Refreshment Options

A Breakdown of Philadelphia Break Room Coffee Roasts

Coffee in Philadelphia | Break Room Solutions | Refreshment Options

When it comes to office coffee roasts, everyone has a favorite. For Philadelphia businesses, offering a variety of coffee roasts in the break room is important for promoting workplace satisfaction.

In this article, we’ll breakdown the different types of coffee roasts and why they’re essential to offer in your Philadelphia office coffee service.

Light, Medium, and Dark Coffee: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to the three different types of coffee roasts, the flavor and caffeine content widely differ. Offering light, medium, and dark roast coffee options will satisfy every employee’s unique tastes and preferences.

Light Coffee Roast: Light on taste and packed full of caffeine. Yes, you heard that right! Lighter roasted coffee beans energize employees with the highest amount of caffeine coffee has to offer. Some types of light roasts may even contain cocoa or peanut flavoring. If an employee wishes to enjoy the original flavor and easily distinguish between coffee origins, light roast is the ideal option. Light roasts are easy to spot thanks to their light brown or tan coloration and sweet aroma.

Medium Roasted Coffee: This office coffee service selection strikes the perfect balance between taste and caffeine content. Medium roasts are extremely popular because they bring out the coffee’s best attributes, like berry, fruit, and citrus flavors. It’s a must have employee perk!

Dark Roasts: Offering a bold, full-bodied, dark roasted coffee blends are perfect for those who want a strong tasting beverage without the caffeine jitters. Not to mention, many Philadelphia employees adore dark roast blends for their chocolate flavoring. Furthermore, dark roasted coffee makes the best option for espresso since the sugar has been completely caramelized.

Brew Coffee | Philadelphia Break Options | Micro-Markets

Why Philadelphia Offices Need to Have Each Blend in Their Break Room

Your employees work hard and deserve extraordinary break room services. To boost employee satisfaction and productivity, it’s beneficial to offer light, medium, and dark roast coffee options. You can incorporate these blends into any of our refreshment services.

More break room coffee options will ensure that your business is catering to every employee’s flavor preference. Moreover, some employees may need an energy boost in the morning but want more flavor in the afternoon. Offering all three coffee blends will enable your staff to efficiently get through their workday while tempting their taste buds. Upgrade your Philadelphia micro-market program, vending machines, and office pantry service with any of our coffee roast selections.

Quality Philadelphia Office Coffee Services

Do you need help choosing the perfect coffee blends for your break room? The experts at RDS Vending can lend a helping hand! Whether you need a balanced blend of delicious coffee or richer, bolder options, we can help. We have years of break room service industry experience and love assisting Philadelphia workplaces.

For more information, contact us at 610.731.0100 today. We look forward to helping you select the perfect brew!