Yes, It Is Possible to Get Healthy Product Variety in Your Philadelphia Break Room

Being healthy means different things to different people. That’s especially true when it comes to snacks. In our busy Philadelphia workplaces, it’s important to have a variety of snacks that everyone can enjoy. So, let us show you how you can make your break room a healthier and happier place. We’ll talk about healthy vending machines, micro-markets, cool water, and drinks. Keep reading for everything you need to know!

Healthy Vending Machines

Picture having a Philadelphia snack machine at work that’s not just tasty but also good for you! That’s what a healthy vending machine does. These machines have snacks and drinks that are better for you, available 24/7. You can choose from granola bars, nuts, jerky, low-calorie snacks, bottled water, popcorn, baked chips, and dried fruit. Philadelphia vending machines are a great way to get healthy goodies right where you work.

Micro-Market Full of Variety

Now, think about a snack place that’s even cooler than a vending machine – it’s called a micro-market. A Philadelphia micro-market is like a tiny store in your break room, with lots of room for healthy options. It’s perfect for different diets, like Keto or Vegan. You can check out the labels before you buy, and there are even fresh salads and fruits. Plus, it’s open all the time with a self-checkout kiosk, so you can grab a snack whenever you need one.

Philadelphia Micro-Markets | Filtered Water | Coffee Service Variety

Customizable Water and Bottled Drinks

Staying hydrated is super important, and it can be fun too! You can have water that’s not boring by using our Philadelphia water filtration service. Some filters even let you add bubbles and flavors to your water. Imagine having your very own customized drink! If you prefer, you can also support everyone’s health by having bottled drinks. You can get them from a vending machine or order them in bulk from us to offer in the break room.

Ensure Variety With RDS Vending Break Room Services

In Philadelphia, RDS Vending knows that having a healthy workplace is important. We can make it easy to have a healthier break room with healthy vending machines and micro-markets. It’s not just about having good snacks – it’s about creating a place where everyone can choose what is good for them. Employee wellness also makes work a better and happier place. So, yes, we can put a variety of healthy snacks in your Philadelphia break room, and it’s a win for everyone!

Contact RDS Vending today at 610.731.0100 to chat about how you can invest in the health of your team. We can’t wait to hear from you!