Keep Your Philadelphia Break Room “Cool” with Hydrating Refreshment Solutions

Philadelphia Micro-Market Solutions | Coffee Service | Break Room Water Service

When summer’s heat rises in Philadelphia, don’t make employees wait until the weekend to enjoy their favorite sunny-time treats. With water service and healthy options in micro-markets, you can add refreshing beverages that quench thirst and taste great. What’s more, these treats ensure everyone stays at peak performance. Optimize your Philadelphia refreshment solutions and keep the break room well-stocked in the season’s top hydrating products.

“Cooler” Break Room Standards: Coffee & Tea

You can’t consider a break room complete without a Philadelphia office coffee service. But don’t settle for the predictable options available in average break rooms. Instead of only offering traditional hot coffee and tea selections, consider adding those that cool employees down. Favorite summer times beverages include cold brew coffee and iced tea.

Unlike the hot brewing typical of coffee, cold brew steeps in cool water for a minimum of 12 hours. This process creates a rich, bold coffee that lacks bitterness and acidity, making it a summer-time favorite.

Employees also love iced tea, especially in warm weather. A chilled cup of sweet tea reduces fatigue and boosts energy during the mid-day slump. While iced tea works great as a refreshing treat, it also provides Philadelphia drinkers a wide range of health benefits. These benefits include antioxidants and nutrients known to reduce stress, improve metabolism, and strengthen bones.

Refreshing Healthy Treats: Fresh Fruits

When the temperature rises, it becomes hard to stay hydrated. When the body lacks water, it shows in performance. But, when you fill your break room with hydrating treats, it prevents dehydration while treating the taste buds. Consider adding a few of the following to your Philadelphia micro-market:

Philadelphia Refreshment Services | Beverage Vending Machines | Break Room Solutions

  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries
  • Cantaloupe
  • Peaches
  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit

Beyond hydrating treats, fruits house essential vitamins and minerals, providing the body what it needs to function at its best. Provide a fruit box to optimize health benefits while giving your employees a range of fresh options.

Add a “Cool” Extra: Sparkling Water

The general rule of thumb for staying hydrated states that one should drink 64 ounces of water a day. To many people, that is a hard goal to accomplish. To make hydration easier for employees, add sparkling water to your Philadelphia vending machines.

Sparkling water gives employees a hydrating option that tickles their taste buds and satisfies their thirst. In some cases, the fizziness of sparkling water helps employees drink more. Employees also stay more hydrated compared to when only plain water service is available.

Offer Hydrating Break Room Solutions in Philadelphia

If you want to add office coffee service and other Philadelphia break room solutions to your office, look no further than RDS Vending. We offer tea and coffee service, water service, micro-markets, and healthy beverage vending machines to meet your employees’ needs. Call us today at 610.731.0100 to learn how we can help you meet your employees’ needs.